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Study tips 101.

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

Alright guys, so I decided to officially start with study tips sebab ramai tanya Meisha about it. Mainly in this post I'll be briefly explaining about some important things yang I buat masa dekat sekolah dulu that I really feel y'all should know about. These tips aren't just for those taking SPM but for anybody who's studying in general, no discrimination here guys. If any of you nak I explain further or bagi contoh, just hmu and I'll write up something for all of you kay?

So here goes, 5 tip penting that I feel you guys should practice:

1. Focus in class

Well I mean yang ni a bit obvious kan? But legit it's really important. I admit memang susah to stay awake in some lessons but you have to force yourself to not just stay awake but to also pay 100% attention in class. Because right, you want to make sure that when you keluar je class you understand everything cikgu tu ajar so that malam nanti when you prep or self study you don't waste time trying to fahamkan apa cikgu ajar tadi but instead you can try exercises and touch-up your teknik menjawab.

Cara yang I think is effective to know if you're focused is you have questions to ask the teacher 'cos that means you're thinking about apa yang tak kena dengan the topic or the lesson. And to those yg malu-malu kucing don't be afraid to ask questions by maybe seeing your teacher personally or a friend who is good at the subject.

2. Make a study timetable

Okay for this one, it's mainly to make sure korang punya study sessions are as effective as possible. The main purpose of it is to:

1. Pastikan korang discipline dalam study sebab ada jadual nak kena ikut.

2. So that you cover all subjects equally instead of tercicir a few yang maybe korang rasa senang.

At the same time the jadual gives space untuk korang have some free time to have fun bukan study je memanjang. Sebab, when you study effectively through a timetable, everything is organised and makes you feel confident that you've covered everything. However, make sure you plan properly and be disciplined to follow it. I'll write up another post on how I made my timetable, so stay tuned!

3. Understand your study style

This one I feel bergantung pada orang because it depends on what your brain (I think so lah) is more comfortable with. Example, I'm a read & write person, so masa prep I would do simple notes of what I learnt. Here's an example of the notes I did for Econs:

However if you're a visual person, y'all should ikut apa my friend buat, he drew the sejarah happenings into simple comics yang dia boleh paham. Kalau orang audio, this may sound pelek but I recommend you guys to read the nota or anything yang dh simplified out loud and record it. So you can listen to it back later and most likely remember it easier. I'm not so sure about other study types but if you guys have any recommendations just hmu, I would really like to hear them!

4. Keep track of your progress 

This one is to identify where are your weaknesses and how to perbaiki. So what I do after every exam or even lepas buat latihan, I'll go through the questions I got wrong or struggle doing or even dapat betul tapi pakai hentam, and then I'll write the topics down sebab that means that one is my kelemahan and I need to improve. Then masa free, I'll focus on those topics and cross them out lepas dah master. See? Easy whay to identify mistakes and boleh improve more effectively.

5. Take care of yourself

Lastly, would be self-care. Korang kena ingat when taking exams, you need your whole body like legit. If you guys mabuk the day before exam, no matter how much you tried to hafal the isi karangan yang you kata "confirm keluar weyh!", you still cannot answer the paper.

So, make sure, no matter how kiasu you are, you must have time to go outside and exercise. Also, take care of your health and diet. Interesting fact about me kan, is that I dah 6 tahun tak makan maggi because I believed it made people stupid LOL (but I eat samyang so..hippopotamus alert) Anyways, you get my point, jaga makan because you are what you eat.

As much as your body is important, your heart is too. To muslim-muslim sekalian, be sure to be close to Allah, banyak beramal because that contributes to the peace of mind you'll have masa nak belajar nanti. Also, if you have beef with people, maybe tone it down a bit. Sometimes drama can affect your mental health/focus which is a big no-no when getting good grades.


Okaylah, I think that's mainly the 5 things I would say you should keep in mind. These aren't the only 5 there are but ni je I boleh ingat at the moment so I hope it can suffice. Kalau korang nak more details on these tips, or nak tau lebih, again you guys can totally hit me up on my socials so I can publish an answer to your questions. Alright, tu je from me for now, ta-ta!

Lots of love,


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