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Finding your path.

Assalamualaikum dunia! Hey guys, again sorry for the hiatus cos yknow busy again (bila je minah tak acah busy). Anyhow, if you follow me on ig, I bet you would see the poll I posted on what to write about next. So, nampaknya, you guys want me to talk about how in fact I decided on what course to take (for now lah). Just to put everything into context ye rakan-rakan, I am planning on doing accounting & finance (boring I tau). Baiklah, tanpa melengahkan masa, let's dive into it:

1. Finding your interests

Okay ni cam faham-faham je la en. What I'm tryna say here is, find what resonates with YOU as a person. Notice, I emphasised YOU because it's important to do what YOU want, not what your parents want, not what your teachers want, not even what your pet wants. Look, at the end of the day, the one who would be working their butt off kerja susah-susah sampai pencen is YOU, not anyone else. So, you don't do smtg you don't like or can't handle.

Take some time to sit down, and ask yourself what are you passionate about and why. Try imagining yourself in that occupation, if you can, then great! But if you see yourself struggling to grasp the reality of working as a doctor for the rest of your life, then most likely that ain't the job for you lah member.

Tbh, pendapat orang lain about your future occupation should be secondary to what you want to do. Unless, you nak jadi pembunuh bersiri, please listen to others' opinions ASAP.

If people say "Eww, accountant/engineer/doctor gila boring sis, kerja macam skema je", those people can shut it cos my response would be:


2. Take some personality tests

I am seriously serious. As much as people may take it for granted, personality tests are important in telling you things about yourself you never would've realised. Like, I honestly thought I was a pretty cool person, then I did a test and it said I got anger management issues. See? My point is, do some tests to determine your working style, what occupations suit your personality, and what weaknesses you can fix.

A little story: In KYS, we'll do this inventori kerjaya or something lah nama dia in form one and form four. So long story short, in form 1, I got E (Enterprising), C (Conventional) and A (Artistic) and my weakest was S (social), so I matched with being like a manager or smtg liddat. Fast forward 3 years, in form 4, we did the exact same test BUT my results were different - E (Enterprising), C (Conventional) and S (Social), my weakest was A (Artistic). So it proves to show that I became a nicer person (lol) and somehow loss all my artistic abilities in 3 years (?). Suitable jobs for my personality were Chief Executives, Investment managers and penggali kubur (?) - the first two are practically what I wanted to do from the getgo, yang third tu cam backup kalau I tak jadi CEO somewhere.

Moral of the story, do personality tests regularly because your personality is somewhat affected by the environments you've been in or prominent experiences yg korang pernah lalui. And as my example, the tests can be pretty accurate in determining what jobs suit you, which can help you decide your path better.

However, don't take the results too seriously. Ofc the tests aren't 100% accurate but it's a good tool to know yourself on a deeper level. Memang susah nak terima kenyataan yang kita ni tak sesuai jadi model or artist, but I mean at least you'll be doing smtg you actually like. Here's some references for tests you might want to look at:

3. Do your research

So, of course semua orang tahu what a doctor/teacher/engineer does. But do you honestly know how it actually feels like to be one. Maksud I like, there is more that comes to the job than just learning the course. When working, you have to take into account your working style, the environment, career prospects (senang dapat promotion ke tak) or your ability to be flexible.

For example, I'm taking accounting but it doesn't necessarily mean I hidup mati buat accounts. Like, with an accounting degree, job opportunities also include being a banker, chief executive or even a businessman (not promoting accounts just stating examples ye). Maybe do deeper research on whether you can WORK as a certain profession instead of just learning the course.

Also, since kan semua org sibuk duk sembang pasal IR 4.0 and stuffs liddat, be sure to check whether a certain profession will still remain relevant or not in the future. Contoh macam doctor, make sure to know whether your job will be replaced by like Baymax or smtg #justsaying. I'm not saying all jobs will become irrelevant 100% but maybe you might need extra skills like say data science or programming to back up.

4. Get some advice

As with research you never know what to expect if you've never experienced it yourself. So maybe ask a school senior, your parents or maybe dm je lah sapa-sapa dekat ig. It gives you a better picture of what's the best education path for a certain profession.

Jangan lupa tanya pendapat people from different fields as well sebab mana tau you guys resonate and sort of got the same interests. Finding a mentor is also SUPER DUPER important. Well my mentor is my dad cos he's also a chartered accountant so dapat lah bebel free. It really does help to have someone to look up to so you can understand what you're getting into better.

5. Try different things

What I meant from this is not hari ni jadi doctor, esok jadi bomba. Ah no. What I meant is try discover different things through extra curricular activities. Mana tau you do athletics then dapat ilham nak jadi Usain Bolt. Like for me, I enjoy writing (tk obvious ke) so I'm currently interning as a digital marketing assistant to get a gist of what it's like doing marketing. Maybe try different co-cu activities to not only gain new experiences but also learn your interests one step at a time.


Okay so that's the end of my counselling session. Most important thing is to not freak out if you don't know what you want to do yet. Life is a looong journey for you to discover yourself. You never know if you'll change interests along the way and that's totally fine. But it would help to start early in understanding what you want to do, cos you don't want to waste time studying something for nothing right? Well I hope this all helped in helping you guys discover your path, ecehh. Be sure to comment what you guys plan on doing! Don't forget to subscribe too aight? Happy soul-searching folks!

Lots of love,


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