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Making a study timetable.

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

Hello nerds! Welcome back! I would assume that korang semua dah baca my first post on "Study Tips 101", so you would know what I am referring to. If not, jangan bimbang member-member sekalian 'cos this post is mainly to walk you through macam mana sebenarnya nak bentuk an effective study timetable.

Okay so you'll need a few things:

1. Your current school timetable aka jadual sekolah.

2. Stationery to make your study timetable.

3. Semangat yang berkobar-kobar untuk belajar.

Pretty simple right?

Okay, before that I'll just show you the study timetable I made that I used during prep and for self-study sessions:

Note that I used a laptop instead because my tulisan memang macam sanskrit so susah nak faham sikit. Also, using a laptop allowed me to print many copies so I could literally tampal everywhere and I even made it my phone wallpaper! Don't judge me, I memang kiasu.

So let's take a look at what I've done:

- there are numbers with # to indicate subject number berapa

- everyday there would be 3 main subjects that I would cover, how i determine what to study I'll explain kat bawah

- the #6 is add maths because that was my weakest subject so I made sure to do it every single day sampai I power (and Alhamdulillah it paid off)

This is how I used to bahagi masa:

1. I biasa bangun at 5 am to tahajjud so I'd study after that before going to school at 7 am

*mainly I'd pick a subject yang kena buat latihan like mod maths or accounts so that I tak mengantuk

2. I'd do add maths in the evening

*at least 10 questions a day depending on difficulty

3. I'd do 2 subjects during my 2 hour 30 minutes prep session at night

*I would do notes or latihan during this time

4. I'd just do some reading of my notes/preparation for class before going to bed

*I'd read the topic yang cikgu akan ajar esok and prepare some questions to ask dalam class yang I tak faham

If you guys tak biasa sangat bangun awal, then maybe try increase your studying time at night or in the evening to make up for the 1 hour 15 minutes.

Mesti korang pelek why the jadual sekolah, well here's why:

Okay, so maybe try comparing the two. If you realised, the days where I have that class I akan study subject tu the day before or malam hari tu jugak, And this honestly depends on you guys.

For example, if I have sejarah on a Monday, I'd prefer to study dulu on Sunday the topic cikgu tu is planning to teach in class nanti (you can find out by kindly asking your teacher or just seeing the index ada topic apa coming up next). This is so that masa cikgu ajar, I'm not so blur when he talks about it and even better, I can ask questions about things I am not so sure about (and at the same time boleh acah pandai when cikgu tanya and you can jawab, not riak but it's true what).

However for maths subjects, I lagi selesa cikgu tu ajar dulu because maths is quite hard kalau no one explains before that. So I suggest you put maths/add maths subjects after the class itself, meaning that day's study session.

On weekends, since I had 10 subjects, I just studied 5 a day, kecuali add maths which I would do everyday. Maybe be smart when placing the subjects, contoh jangan lah letak english and bm together 'cos like 2 karangans a day?! On a weekend?? Korang gila ke??

Also, make sure the number of subjects are balanced. Maksudnya, if accounts ada 3, of course lah bm kena ada 2 or 3. If you guys are more comfortable with certain subjects then maybe you can study it twice a week so that you can give more focus to heavy subjects like idk Bio ke, Physics ke, entah lah, it's up to you guys!

So yeah, that's how I made my study timetable. This was for me though, meaning apa yang I selesa studying and how. Maybe if you guys tak suka sebab intense sangat you can lessen the amount of subjects a day. As crazy as it sounds, I did have time to do my co-cu activities, do stupid things kat dorm and even membawang, plus juggle Head Girl things. So it very much is possible for you guys to do it too. I really do believe that you guys can do it and be disciplined, you just need to be focused and always motivated. Can't wait to see you guys make your own study timetables! Feel free to show me your MASTERPIECES when you're done aight? Have fun studying guys!

Lots of love,


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