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Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Assalamualaikum, selamat datang, da jia hao, vanakkam, welcome! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules watching netflix to actually read the stuff I'm about to write, seriously it is a real pleasure to know someone cares about what I think.

Anywho, to all those that were wondering what the hay this blog is about, it's mostly a place for me to share some tips about studying, how to battle school life and practically how to stay alive lah senang cerita while hafal-ing stuff like "apakah function Suruhanjaya Reid". Big disclaimer this blog will most likely be in rojak sebab cam nama pun inner workings of my mind kan (so acah istg sya) so obviously I'd write in a language I think in, which is Manglish.

So, sebelum Meisha start tulis benda merepek yang korang gak akan baca, I'll do a little introduction of well - me lah. Given name, Meisha Nurallyssa Binti Muhammad Lukman, but y'all can call me anything - Meisha, Meish, Sya whatever lah I really don't mind. Please don't ask me how to pronounce my name sebab honestly, I pun tak tau LOL. I was born on the 18th of January 2002 (I purposely slipped that for birthday gift purposes) in Camden, London, United Kingdom. Yeah, I was born in the UK which explains my accent but no I look damn Malay so please don't go calling me Mat Salleh if I don't look like one.

I've been living in Malaysia for about 12 years now and now my crib's in Subang if y'all wanna lepak at mamak or something just roger. I was from a nice humble school in the jungle - Kolej Yayasan Saad, Melaka as an Axiata scholar for my whole high school life. I cut out the primary school part from lahir terus to high school cos obviously I lahir-lahir je I masuk sekolah menengah, like y'all didnt? But all seriousness I was only interesting/cute as a baby and a teen so we fast track je lah ye. Anyhow, small flex but I was Head Girl during form five, was in the business stream (doing Accounts, Econs, Add maths and GEOGRAFI?!) and Alhamdulillah eternally blessed to get 10A+ (the only sebab I have credibility to write a blog tbh). Lepas semua tu, I sekarang tengah mereput with my bestie, Pringles and Mr Potato waiting for scholarship opportunities, and of course my good friend Netflix.

So yeah that pretty much sums up who I am, what I do, why I wanted to start a blog. I really hope this experience can be enjoyable for me and for all of you para pembaca. If y'all have any questions nk sya jawab, I am totally open to help. That's all for a start, enjoy!

Lots of love,


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