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How to stay alive in class.

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Alright, so hello again guys! Satu soalan yang lazim orang tanya Meisha is "How to focus in class Kak Meisha?" Well jawapan dia senang je: ambik selotape and then tepek kat mata. Jaykay! All jokes aside, this post is actually to give all you people tips on how to stay awake AND pay attention in class.

1. Sleep early

No, 2 am is not early ye rakan-rakan. You see, being prepared for something always requires 3 stages: the before, the present and the after. So even before masuk class there are things you kena buat kalau nak focus. Which is to tidur awal. Cukup-cukup lah tengok twitter malam-malam with your eyes half-opened and SLEEP! Seriously guys, when I was at school I would sleep latest at 12 kalau ada class the next day and bangun at 5 am. So like I'd get 5 hours of sleep daily and some naps masa petang.

Therefore, masa sya masuk class, I was really fresh sebab 1. I already studied in the morning and 2. My brain can function properly 'cos I have enough sleep. If you're having trouble sleeping, I recommend to maybe pasang ayat quran quite lightly in the background. Another thing I would do is berzikir until I fall asleep. Or kiralah kambing tu sampai terlelap sounds good too.

2.Drink a lot of water

To people who may know me, I drink water ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Pastu gi toilet all the time too but wtv. My point is, water keeps you hydrated and alert. So masa I dalam class that was sleepy, I would sip my water constantly. The water also helps keep my skin clear too! #clearskintips Jadi minum lah air.

A tip: I would bring a water bottle yang 500ml and akan make sure i habiskan 4 botol of that which would be 2 litres. 2 litres sorta equals to the 8 cups that science asks us to drink everyday. #sciencefact

3. Prepare before the class

As I have mentioned before, I normally study reading-type subjects (sejarah, general science, econs, agama) before the class so that masa class I tak blur sangat. Which for me totally helps. Like masa cikgu ajar I tak de lah melopong as to what they are saying. In fact, I become more participative sebab I have questions to ask and can jawab all the questions they shoot at me.

4. Take down notes/highlight

Okay this one bergantung pada orang because like some people can't listen while writing but for people who can, like me, I highly recommend this. Like masa cikgu bercakap, I would normally write down benda penting they would say. I always had a whole stok of colourful sticky notes to tepek on my book.

You see, the reason why we get sleepy masa class is becomes we aren't doing anything, just sitting down and listening. Sama macam nak tidur, like you would lie down not doing anything and then you eventually doze off. So maybe write the important things cikgu you cakap somewhere to make your body more active.

Same goes to highlighting your textbooks. My friends know that the messiest and paling nampak-cam-a-rainbow-vomited-on-it is my book. So like I memang akan highlight all the important points. It shows I tak baca sekadar baca but I am actually analysing what content is important. Also, nampak lah cam you effort nk study. Lu apa cerita buku bersih macam tak sentuh langsung.

5. Be healthy!

One way to make sure your brain functions well is to work out! I wasn't the most active person to work out but I enjoyed sports like athletics and touch rugby which helped me keep fit. However during SPM, masa tu all sports season dah habis so memang tak de chance for me to do sports so I would do yoga in my room. Yep you heard it, YOGA. Actually it's really helpful 'cos I get to stretch my muscles and the same time dapat banyak sikit oxygen dalam otak tu. Badan cergas, otak cerdas is not just to put on a t-shirt kay, it actually makes sense so go get fit guys!

Here are some easy yoga posses you guys can try:

Pemakanan is also very crucial tau. Sebab if you have heavy meals before class, 20000% confirm korang akan ngantuk cos your tummy is processing all that food. However, tak makan pun is a problem jugak. Take a nice simple breakfast so you have enough energy to get through day. Tak de lah macam zombie je memanjang sebab tak makan amirite?

In terms of snacking, I liked to eat dates, not those dates lah, I mean kurma. They give me a boost of energy without relying too much on sweets or junk food.

6. Nibble on something

Okay maybe some teachers tak okay with it but normally I would have chewing gum to keep me munching. Of course lah sugar-free if not I dah lama hilang kaki. I would chew to stay awake sebab setahu I jarang orang tertidur while makan. If you guys pernah, istg I need to give you a medal. #raresthuman

Maybe you can also buy small candy like Hacks or Mentos. But jangan makan selalu lah. Maybe eat only when you betul-betul ngantuk.

7. Ask your friend to smack you

I am legit ya. I would usually tell my desk-mate to nudge me or cubit me if I fall asleep masa class. Have a friend who is willing to do that, not a friend yang biar you tidur sampai class habis and then letak kat ig story. Or something useful my friend said was get somebody to urut your bahu or smtg liddat.


That's all from me on how to stay focused in class. Let me know what you think about them. I don't give you a guarantee that they'll work all the time but I can say that they deffo worked for me at school. Kkay happy studying guys!

Lots of love,


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