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How to make those notes stick in your brain - for good.

Yes folks, you read the title! Okay maybe not remember what you hafal-ed like forever, forever but like maybe until your exams. I bet I represent most people by being this person: plot Suri Hati Mr Pilot boleh ingat tapi periodic table tak hafal-hafal (never took chem but okay?). However, I realised actually kan, there is a way to remember important things aka studies. Therefore, this post is to explain just that.

1. Read, read and read!

Alright, so maybe this tip might have come from a friend but sokay kita kongsi-kongsi sahaja. The idea is to actually FINISH your textbook, like hadam EVERYTHING. Yeah, buku sejarah yang tebal/boring bapak tu? Finish reading that. Sure you can't remember everything, but when you read, you subconsciously can relate a certain key-word to something you've read before. Example lah kan, say sejarah, you don't remember apa peranan MAGERAN but you know it was formed masa 1969 during the riots so you can automatically connect the dots that maybe peranan dia had something to do with masalah perkauman. See? I just gave the 1000th reason why you should read your goddamn textbook. Can't believe a blog with irrelevant gifs had to make you realise that (tak pe, I pun sama je).

Another tip for this one: maybe highlight/take down notes of the important points, to make sure otak tu tak autopilot, meaning mata je gerak tapi otak tak process. Highlighting makes you concentrate on digesting the content. Nak highlighter roger je, I can sell if you want. #productplacement

2. Make pocket notes/flashcards

This varies for a person, because like manusia ni kan Tuhan jadikan lain-lain. So find what's your study style first before adhering to peoples' advice. You see, I am more of a visual and read & write person. Here's a test you can take to see what your learning style:

So every time masa prep, I would make simpler versions of everything I've read into notes. Naturally, we would remember when we write something down especially after reading AND highlighting it. Clueless about what to write? Maybe just jot down the things that you highlighted. The notes don't have to be really pretty but something you understand and easy to go through. I recommend you to draw down any graphs because most likely those will be tested somehow.

Also, I used to cut my notes either into smaller pocket sized versions or if I malas I'd just fold it into 4 parts so senang masukkan in my blazer pengawas dulu. Nak lagi kiasu, what I would do is I'd bring the notes everywhere and read whenever I was free, like tunggu dalam line masa dekat dining hall or tunggu cikgu masuk class. So you get to do something useful instead of using your phone all the time.

Here's an example of the notes I did:

Another helpful thing for visual and artistic people is buat notes and lukis gambar. Maybe the cartoons can help you remember better. Here's a failed attempt of my friend and I doing notes for agama (we aren't very artsy people but we tried lol):


Bunyi macam complicated but it is actually quite simple. I bet most of you guys have used a mnemonic before. Mnemonic ni cam, replacing the first letter of a list with something easy to remember. Ala I'll just show you:

A useful one I used was for Science to remember the sequence of the electromagnetic spectrum:

Roman - Radio waves

Man - Microwaves

Invented - Infrared

Very - Visible light

Unusual - UV rays

X-ray - X rays

Gun - Gamma rays

Simple right? Just make sure to answer the right version of it. Kalau tak, petak examiner mana datang Roman man bagai.

4. Do exercises 

By exercise I mean like your exercise books, tak de makna nak suruh korang workout tetiba. You see one good way to remember is continuously writing it. So in this context, you guys will keep writing down the answer to repetitive questions. It's indirectly like making notes. I feel like this method helped me most because it also polished my exam technique and prepared me to answer questions. Macam ni lah, the exam won't ask you 100% everything in the textbook, but by doing exercise books, you may get a clear insight of what sections of a topic will most likely be asked later on. A really helpful thing to hafal sejarah is to do a lot of objective questions. By doing those, I not only remember who killed who or why this abang bermisai did that, but I also somehow got an idea of how the soalan will look like. So yeah, maybe stock up on buku past years and maybe go google modul-modul SPM.


Alrighty, I guess that's about it regarding memorisation techniques. Not too many points this time because tbh I just stuck to those. I continuously did those 4 things which majorly impacted how I actually ingat what to jawab in SPM. I do realise I left out things like acting out a certain concept or singing it but I'm just tryna keep it real. Can you seriously start doing weird hand movements in the exam hall when even nak stretch sikit pun kena death stare dengan invigilator? Yeah, I didn't think so. Don't even get me started about tetiba nak jadi Ariana Grande and nyanyi lagu periodic table masa tengah SPM. Idk about you guys but I had dignity to refrain from doing those things so I made sure this post was simple and easy to do for everyone. I hoped these helped y'all remembering. Till next time!

Lots of love,


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